
Publications in refereed journals

  1. F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, I.M. Lami (2022). A multicriteria decision support approach for evaluating highly complex adaptive reuse plans. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, 9(1), 43-69.
  2. M. Cinelli, M.A. Gonzalez, R. Ford, J. McKernan, S. Corrente, M. Kadziński, R. Słowiński (2021). Supporting contaminated sites management with Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: Demonstration of a regulation-consistent approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 316, 128347.
  3. S. Corrente, S. Greco, F. Leonardi, R. Słowiński (2021). The hierarchical SMAA-PROMETHEE method applied to assess the sustainability of European cities. Applied Intelligence, DOI: 10.1007/s10489-021-02384-5.
  4. S. Corrente, A. Garcia-Bernabeu, S. Greco, T. Makkonen (2021). Robust measurement of innovation performances in Europe with a hierarchy of interacting composite indicators. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2021.1910815.
  5. M. Kadzinski, K. Martyn, M. Cinelli, R. Słowiński, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2021). Preference disaggregation method for value-based multi-decision sorting problems with a real-world application in nanotechnology. Knowledge-Based Systems, 106879.
  6. S. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco (2021). Pairwise Comparison Tables within the Deck of Cards Method in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(2), 738-756.
  7. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2020). Robust stochastic sorting with interacting criteria hierarchically structured. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(2), 735-754.
  8. F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, I.M. Lami, B. Mecca (2020). The introduction of the SRF-II method to compare hypothesis of adaptive reuse for an iconic historical building. Operational Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12351-020-00611-4.
  9. S. Angilella, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo (2020). An application of the SMAA-Choquet method to evaluate the performance of sailboats in offshore regattas. Operational Research, 20, 771-793.
  10. A.S. Costa, S. Corrente, S. Greco, J.R. Figueira, J. Borbinha (2020). A robust hierarchical nominal multicriteria classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity. European Journal of Operational Research, 286(3), 986-1001.
  11. M. Arandarenko, S. Corrente, M. Jandric, and M. Stamenkovic (2020). Multiple criteria decision aiding as a prediction tool for migration potential of regions. European Journal of Operational Research, 284(3), 1154-1166.
  12. M. Kadziński, K. Martyn, M. Cinelli, R. Słowiński, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2020). Preference disaggregation for multiple criteria sorting with partial monotonicity constraints: Application to exposure management of nanomaterials. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 117, 60-80.
  13. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2020). As simple as possible but not simpler in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding: the robust-stochastic level dependent Choquet integral. European Journal of Operational Research, 280(3), 988-1007.
  14. M. Barbati, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2019). A general space-time model for combinatorial optimization problems (and not only). Omega, In press, DOI: 10.1016/
  15. F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, A. Ishizaka, I. Lami (2019). A new parsimonious AHP methodology: assigning priorities to many objects by comparing pairwise few reference objects. Expert Systems With Applications, 127(1), 109-120.
  16. N.J. Bertola, M. Cinelli, S. Casset, S. Corrente, I.F.C. Smith (2019). A multi-criteria decision framework to support measurement-system design for bridge load testing. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 39, 186-202.
  17. S. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Nicotra, M. Romano, C.E. Schillaci (2019). Evaluating and comparing entrepreneurial ecosystems using SMAA and SMAA-S. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 485-519.
  18. F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, A. Ishizaka, I. Lami (2018). Choice Architecture for architecture choices: Evaluating social housing initiatives putting together a parsimonious AHP methodology and the Choquet integral. Land Use Policy, 78, 748-762.
  19. S. Angilella, P. Catalfo, S. Corrente, A. Giarlotta, S. Greco, M. Rizzo (2018). Robust sustainable development assessment with composite indices aggregating interacting dimensions: The hierarchical-SMAA-Choquet integral approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, 158, 136-153.
  20. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2018). GAIA-SMAA-PROMETHEE for a hierarchy of interacting criteria. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(2), 606-624.
  21. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, W. Gutjahr (2017). Efficient Pairwise Preference Elicitation Allowing for Indifference. Computers & Operations Research, 88, 175-186.
  22. Corrente,  S.Greco, R. Słowiński (2017). Handling Imprecise Evaluations in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding and Robust Ordinal Regression by n-point intervals. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 16(2), 127-157.
  23. Corrente, M. Doumpos, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, C. Zopounidis (2017). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for Sorting Problems Based on Ordinal Regression with Additive Value Functions. Annals of Operations Research, 251: 117-139. pdf
  24. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, R. Słowiński (2017). A robust ranking method extending ELECTRE III to hierarchy of interacting criteria, imprecise weights and stochastic analysis. Omega, 73, 1-17.
  25. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Kadzinski, R. Słowiński (2016). Inducing probability distributions on the set of value functions by Subjective Stochastic Ordinal Regression. Knowledge-Based Systems, 112, 26-36.
  26. Giacchi, S. Corrente,A. Di Dtefano, S. Greco, A. La Corte, M. Scatà (2016). A context-aware and social model of dynamic multiple criteria preferences. Decision Analytics, 3(1), 1-24.
  27. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński (2016). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for ELECTRE Tri methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1), 191-203.
  28. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Słowiński (2016). Robust Ordinal Regression for Decision under Risk and Uncertainty. Journal of Business Economics, 86(1), 55-83. pdf
  29. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński (2016). Robust Ordinal Regression and Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis in Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet integral preference model. Omega, 63, 154-169. pdf
  30. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, P. Zielniewicz (2016). Using Choquet Integral as Preference Model in Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 250(3), 884-901. pdf
  31. Corrente, S. Greco, A. Ishizaka (2016). Combining Analytical Hierarchy Process and Choquet integral within Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression. Omega, 61, 2-18. pdf
  32. Angilella, M. Bottero, S. Corrente, V. Ferretti, S. Greco, I. Lami (2016). Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for urban and territorial planning: an application for siting an urban waste landfill. Annals of Operations Research, 245(1), 427-456. pdf
  33. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco (2015). Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis for the Choquet integral preference model and the scale construction problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 240 (1), 172-182. pdf
  34. Corrente, J. R. Figueira, S. Greco (2014). The SMAA-PROMETHEE method. European Journal of Operational Research, 239, 514-522. pdf
  35. Kadziński, S. Corrente,  S.Greco, R. Słowiński (2014). Preferential reducts and constructs in robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. OR Spectrum, 36, 1021-1053.
  36. Corrente, J. R. Figueira, S. Greco (2014). Dealing With Interaction Between Bipolar Multiple Criteria Preferences In  PROMETHEE Methods.Annals of Operations Research, 217 (1), 137-164. pdf
  37. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński (2014). MUSA-INT: Multicriteria customer satisfaction analysis with interacting criteria, Omega 42 (1), pp. 189-200. pdf
  38. Corrente,  S.Greco, M. Kadziński, R. Słowiński (2013). Robust ordinal regression in preference learning and rankingMachine Learning93 (2-3), pp.381-422.
  39. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński (2013). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process with ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, Omega 41 (5), pp. 820-846. pdf
  40. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński (2012). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process in Robust Ordinal Regression, Decision Support Systems, 53(3), pp. 660-674. pdf

Book Chapters

  1. S. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco (2022). ELECTRE Methods: A Survey on Roman Słowiński Contributions. In: S. Greco, V. Mousseau, J. Stefanowski, C. Zopounidis (eds). Intelligent Decision Support Systems. Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-96318-7_3
  2. S. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, R. Słowiński (2020). Multiple Criteria Decision Support. In D. Kilgour and C. Eden (Eds). Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Springer, Cham, 893-920.
  3. M. Nicotra, M. Romano, A. Castrogiovanni, S. Corrente (2020). Startups, Innovation and Performance: an empirical analysis in the Italian context using SMAA-S. In A. Caputo and M.M. Pellegrini (Eds.). The Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Unveiling the cognitive and emotional aspect of entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurial Behaviour Series), Emerald Publishing Limited, 67-89.
  4. M. Arandarenko, S. Corrente, M. Jandric, and M. Stamenkovic (2019). A Multiple Criteria Approach to Interregional Migrations - The Case of Serbia. In P. Hakansson and H. Bohman (Eds.) Investigating Spatial Inequalities, Emerald Publishing Limited, 197-216.
  5. S. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński (2019). Robust Ranking of Universities Evaluated by Hierarchical and Interacting Criteria. In S. Huber, M. Geiger, and A.T. de Almeida (eds.) Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Aiding. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 274. Springer, Cham.
  6. S. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Kadziński, and R. Słowiński (2014). Robust Ordinal Regression. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. 1-10. pdf


  • S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, S. Milici. Matematica Generale, III Edizione, Giappichelli, ISBN: 9788892141711

Articles in refereed conference proceedings

  1. M. Arandarenko, S. Corrente, M. Jandric, and M. Stamenkovic (2018). ELECTRE III approach as a tool for migration problematic. In Proceedings of the XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, 274-281.
  2. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, W. Gutjahr (2015). Using Indifference Information in Robust Ordinal Regression. In A. Gaspar-Cunha et al. (Eds.), EMO 2015 LNCS 9019, pp.205-217. pdf
  3. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński (2013). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet integral. In R.C. Purhouse et al. (Eds.), EMO 2013 LNCS 7811, pp.475-489. pdf
  4. Corrente, J. R. Figueira, S. Greco. Interaction of Criteria and Robust Ordinal Regression in Bi-polar PROMETHEE Methods. In S. Greco et al., editor, IPMU 2012, Part IV, CCIS 300, pages 469-479. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. pdf
  5. Angilella, S. Corrente, and S. Greco. SMAA-Choquet: Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis for the Choquet Integral. In S. Greco et al., editor, IPMU 2012, Part IV, CCIS 300, pages 248-257. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
  6. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński:  Handling Hierarchy of Criteria and Imprecise Evaluation in Robust Ordinal Regression. p. 120-120, ISBN: 9789513943103. 21st International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2011.


Presentation accepted at conferences

  1. S. Corrente, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Greco. Scoring alternatives from pairwise winning indices. INFORMS 2021 Annual meeting, Anhaeim, CA (USA) and online, October 24-27, 2021.
  2. S. Greco, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente. Multicriteria decision aiding using representative value functions. INFORMS 2021 Annual meeting, Anhaeim, CA (USA) and online, October 24-27, 2021.
  3. S. G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Scoring alternatives from pairwise winning indices. 44th meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences (AMASES), Reggio Calabria (Italy) and online, September 13-18, 2021.
  4. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Greco, S. Corrente. Multicriteria decision aiding using probability distribution in the space of compatible value functions. XXXI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Athens (Greece) and online, July 11-14, 2021.
  5. S. Corrente, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Greco. Scoring alternatives from pairwise winning indices. XXXI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Athens (Greece) and online, July 11-14, 2021.
  6. S. Greco, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente. Multicriteria decision aiding using representative value functions. XXXI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Athens (Greece) and online, July 11-14, 2021.
  7. K. Martyn, M. Kadziński, M. Cinelli, R. Słowiński, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Preference disaggregation method for value-based multi-decision sorting problems with a real-world application in nanotechnology. XXXI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Athens (Greece) and online, July 11-14, 2021.
  8. S. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco. An improved version of the deck of cards method to build evaluation scales. 43rd meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences (AMASES), Perugia (Italy), September 9-11, 2019.
  9. B. Mecca, I. Lami, F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Multiple criteria decision analysis to compare hypotheses of adaptive reuse for an iconic historical building. XXX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Dublin (Ireland), June 23-26, 2019.
  10. S. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco. An improved version of the deck of cards method to build evaluation scales. XXX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Dublin (Ireland), June 23-26, 2019.
  11. A. Garcia-Bernabeu, S. Corrente, S. Greco, T. Makkonen. Multiple criteria hierarchy process for robust measurement of countries' innovation performance in Europe. XXX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Dublin (Ireland), June 23-26, 2019.
  12. S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Słowiński. Multiobjective knapsack optimization by an interactive evolutionary algorithm with rule preference model: the IEMO-DRSA method. 88th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Lisbon, Portugal, September 27-29, 2018.
  13. M. Barbati, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Multiobjective models for planning problems. 88th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Lisbon, Portugal, September 27-29, 2018.
  14. M. Barbati, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Multiobjective models for planning problems. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  15. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. GAIA-SMAA-PROMETHEE for a hierarchy of interacting criteria. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  16. A.S. Costa, S. Corrente, S. Greco, J.R. Figueira, J. Borbinha. Multiple criteria hierarchy process and stochastic analysis for a nominal classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  17. S. Greco, S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente. Robust ordinal regression and stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for the level dependent Choquet integral. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  18. S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Słowiński. Interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization through dominance-based rough set approach: the knapsack problem. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  19. F. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, I. Lami, E. Sezenna. A multicriteria framework based on the Choquet integral and the analytic hierarchy process for evaluating scenarios of adaptive reuse. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  20. M. Stamenkovic, S. Corrente, M. Jandric. MCDA approach to the internal migration of regions: case of Serbia. XXIX EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference. Valencia (Spain), July 8-11, 2018.
  21. M. Stamenkovic, S. Corrente. MCDA approach to the internal migration of regions: case of Serbia. 87th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Delft, Netherlands, April 5-7, 2018.
  22. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Robust ordinal regression and stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for the level dependent Choquet integral. 87th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Delft, Netherlands, April 5-7, 2018.
  23. S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Słowiński. Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization driven by Dominance-based Rough Set Approach. 86th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Paris, France, September 21-23, 2017.
  24. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Robust Ordinal Regression and Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis for the level dependent Choquet integral. 86th meeting: MCDA and A.I. Paris, France, September 21-23, 2017.
  25. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. An extension of PROMETHEE methods dealing with robustness and hierarchy of interacting criteria. PROMETHEE days. Portsmouth, UK, May 11-12, 2017.
  26. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, A. Ishizaka, I.M. Lami. Using a new parsimonious methodology combined with the Choquet integral: an application for evaluting social housing initiatives. MCDA and A.I. Padova, Italy, April 20-22, 2017.
  27. S.G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Robustness concerns for PROMETHEE methods dealing with an hierarchy of interacting criteria. 84th meeting: MCDA and A.I.Vienna, Austria, September 22-24, 2016.
  28. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, W. Gutjahr. Building preference models from imprecise information. 84th meeting: MCDA and A.I.Vienna, Austria, September 22-24, 2016.
  29. G. Arcidiacono, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Robust ordinal regression and Stochastic analysis for PROMETHEE methods dealing with a hierarchy of interacting criteria. 40th meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economia and Social Sciences (AMASES), University of Catania, Italy, September 15-17, 2016.
  30. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Applying MCHP, ROR and the SMAA methodology to the ELECTRE III method with interaction between criteria. XXVIII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Poznan (Poland), July 3-6, 2016.
  31. Lami, S. Angilella, M. Bottero, S. Corrente, V. Ferretti, S. Greco. An application of the NAROR for the management of a real estate portfolio. XXVIII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Poznan (Poland), July 3-6, 2016.
  32. Słowiński, S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo. Robust decisions under risk & uncertainty. XXVIII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Poznan (Poland), July 3-6, 2016.
  33. Greco, S. Corrente, A. Emrouznejad, A. Ishizaka. Data Envelopment Analysis, scale construction and Choquet integral. XXVIII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Poznan (Poland), July 3-6, 2016.
  34. Abastante, S. Corrente, S. Greco, A. Ishizaka, I. Lami. Selection of Social Housing initiatives through Analytical Hierarchy Process and Choquet integral combined with Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression. XXVIII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Poznan (Poland), July 3-6, 2016.
  35. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Applying MCHP, ROR and the SMAA methodology to the ELECTRE III method with interaction between criteria. 83rdMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Barcelona (Spain), March 31st-April 2nd, 2016.
  36. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Słowiński. Robust ordinal regression approach to decision under risk & uncertainty. 83rdMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Barcelona (Spain), March 31st-April 2nd, 2016.
  37. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression and Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis in Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet Integral. 39th meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economia and Social Sciences (AMASES), University of Padua, Italy, September 10-12, 2015.
  38. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, P. Zielniewicz. Using Choquet Integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization. 39th meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economia and Social Sciences (AMASES), University of Padua, Italy, September 10,12, 2015.
  39. Giacchi,S. Corrente, A. Di Stefano, S. Greco, A. La Corte, M. Scatà.  A context-aware approach of multiple criteria decision making for social network analysis.  23rd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Hamburg, Germany, August 2-7, 2015.
  40. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Kadziński, R. Słowiński.  Inducing probability distributions on the set of value functions by Subjective Stochastic Ordinal Regression.  23rd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Hamburg, Germany, August 2-7, 2015.
  41. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński.  Robust Ordinal regression and SMAA in Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet Integral.  23rd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Hamburg, Germany, August 2-7, 2015.
  42. Cliville, S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Rizzon. Feasible Optimization. XXVII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), July 12-15, 2015.
  43. Giacchi, S. Corrente, A. Di Stefano, S. Greco, A. La Corte, M. Scatà. A novel dynamic and social perspective of multiple criteria decision making.  XXVII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), July 12-15, 2015.
  44. Słowiński, J. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, P. Zielniewicz. Preference learning in evolutionary multiobjective optimization guided by Choquet integral preference model. XXVII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), July 12-15, 2015.
  45. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression and SMAA in Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet Integral. XXVII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), July 12-15, 2015.
  46. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco. Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis for the Choquet integral preference model and the scale construction problem. XXVII EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), July 12-15, 2015.
  47. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, W. Gutjahr. Using Indifference information in robust ordinal regression.  8thInternational Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Guimaraes (Portugal), March 29-April 1, 2015.
  48. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, P. Zielniewicz. Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with Choquet Integral Preference Model Derived by Robust Ordinal Regression. 81thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Annecy (France), March 25-28, 2015.
  49. Clivillè, S. Corrente, S. Greco, B. Rizzon. Feasible Optimization. 81thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Annecy (France), March 25-28, 2015.
  50. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, P. Zielniewicz: Preference learning in EMO: Complexity of preference models. 5th Dagstuhl seminar. Dagstuhl (Germany), January, 12-16, 2015.
  51. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Kadziński, R. Słowiński. Inducing probability distributions on the set of value functions. 20thConference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Barcelona (Spain), July 13-18, 2014.
  52. Corrente, S. Greco, M. Kadziński, R. Słowiński. Inducing probability distributions on the set of value functions. 79thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Athens (Greece), April 03-05, 2014.
  53. Corrente, M. Doumpos, S. Greco, R. Słowiński, C. Zopounidis. Applying Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process to UTADIS and UTADISGMS. 79thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Athens (Greece), April 03-05, 2014.
  54. Bottero, S. Corrente, V. Ferretti, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process applied to decision about the re-use of historical buildings. 79thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Athens (Greece), April 03-05, 2014.
  55. Kadziński, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Preferential reducts and constructs in robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. 78thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Catania (Italy), October 23-26, 2013.
  56. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression and SMAA in Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for the Choquet Integral, XXVI EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, Rome (Italy), July 1-4, 2013.
  57. Angilella, M. Bottero, S. Corrente, V. Ferretti, S. Greco, I. Lami.  Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for Urban and Territorial Planning: an Application for Siting and Urban Waste Landfill.  22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  58. Branke, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Using Choquet Integral as Preference Model in Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization.  22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  59. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco. A Stochastic Choquet Integral Preference Model: SMAA-Choquet.  22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  60. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco. The SMAA-PROMETHEE Methods. 22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  61. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for ELECTRE TRI Methods.  22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  62. Boggia, S. Corrente, S. Greco, G. Massei, R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression in Geographical Information Systems. 22nd International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Malaga, Spain, June 17-21, 2013.
  63. Boggia, S. Corrente, S. Greco, G. Massei, R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression in Geographical Information Systems. 77thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Rouen (France), April 11-13, 2013.
  64. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, R. Słowiński. Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process fof the Choquet Integral,  7thInternational Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Sheffield (U.K.), March 19-22, 2013.
  65. Corrente, J. R. Figueira, S. Greco. Bipolar PROMETHEE.  76thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Portsmouth (U.K.), September 13-15, 2012.
  66. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński. Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process in Robust Ordinal Regression. 36th meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economia and Social Sciences (AMASES). Vieste (Italy), September 12-15, 2012.
  67. Corrente, J.R. Figueira, and S. Greco. Interaction of Criteria and Robust Ordinal Regression in Bi-polar PROMETHEE methods. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty (IPMU) conference. Catania (Italy), July  9-13, 2012.
  68. Angilella, S. Corrente, and S. Greco. SMAA-Choquet: Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis for the Choquet Integral. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty (IPMU) conference. Catania (Italy), July  9-13, 2012.
  69. Angilella, S. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński. Multicriteria Customer Satisfaction Analysis with Interacting Criteria. 75thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Tarragona (Spain) April 12- 14, 2012.
  70. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński. Extending ELECTRE and PROMETHEE Methods to Hierarchical Structure of Criteria and Imprecise Evaluation. 75thMeeting: MCDA and A.I. Tarragona (Spain) April 12- 14, 2012.
  71. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński.  Handling Hierarchy of Criteria and Imprecise Evaluation in Robust Ordinal Regression.  21st International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 13-17, 2011.
  72. Corrente, S. Greco, and R. Słowiński. Robust Ordinal Regression in case of a Hierarchy of Criteria and Imprecise Evaluation. 73rdMeeting of the European Working Group “Multiple Criteria Decision Making”. University of Corsica, Corte, France. April  14-16, 2011.
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